Ci sono occasioni nelle quali il piccolo feticista, fanatico e collezionista che è in noi prende il sopravvento e ci guida alla caccia di preziosi (e costosi) cimeli. E' questo il caso per l'oggetto in questione, una lettera originale scritta da Howard Phillips Lovecraft e indirizzata a Clark Ashton Smith, altro grande autore weird.
Due facciate su un singolo foglio, completa di busta, la missiva in questione è una delle poche di proprietà privata in quanto molti documenti lovecraftiani sono custoditi da alcune biblioteche come la John Hay Library alla Brown University per studi e analisi. A rendere ancora più prezioso il documento è il nome dell'autore cui è indirizzata e i contenuti che spaziano dai soliti scherzosi riferimenti ai miti di Cthulhu a annotazioni sparse su altri scrittori e riviste fino a comprendere anche un riferimento anti semitico nei confronti di Hugo Gernsback.
Riproduciamo qui di seguito il testo integrale in inglese:
"Yoth-Tlaggon at the Crimson Spring
Hour of the Amorphous Reflection
April 4, 1932
Dear Klarkash-Ton:
No -- the snowy blizzard happily escaped us, although March was on the whole a very inclement month. Yesterday was almost summer-like, but I am too worn out with a siege of dentistry to appreciate anything in the way of climate. I don't know how many more appointments I'll have to endure -- but fear there will be enought to spoil all my usual travelling plans both chronologically and financially.
By this time I presume you have my letter expressing enthusiastic admiration for "The Double Shadow." Truly, it is a great piece of work -- & Wright's rejection of it fills me with disgust & discouragement. Obviously, his standards are getting worse & worse -- as witness the current issue, in which only two stories, your's and Howard's, are really worh reading. I hope Bates-Clayton will take the "Shadow" -- though I fear the prospects are not very promising. Long is getting worried about his two submitted Clayton tales -- one of which has been held 11 weeks & the other 7 weeks. He intends to make an inquiry, though I told him that the delay is a favourable sign. Hope your Mohaun Los will take with King Pharnabazus in its ammended form.
I didn't know your Immortals of Mercury was going to be a separate booklet. Congratulations! I surely hope to see a copy. Glad the Invisible City is due in the near future, & that Gernsback has some appreciation of what he is offering. It's odd, but in spite of that damn'd kike's financial remissness & sharp dealings, I really think he offers a better & more vital range of scientifiction than either of his two competitors. He is not quite so rigid, in his demand for the commonplace & the stereotyped. I'll await the Plutonian Drug with the keenest interest -- as will others on the circulation list. As soon as I get the nerve to type the Witch House you shall see it. There's another story I want to write, but I don't believe I can till this tooth business is over.
Your Easter expedition to the canon dug by pre-human [undecipherable] in search of the lost [undecipherable]-metal must surely have been picturesque and memorable. I envy you the spectacle -- petrified tree, subterrane river, fall. Did I tell you that I saw the outlet of an underground river in Florida? It was somewhat north of Dunedin, & an unlighted aqueas crypt stretched sightlessly down & away from the visible basin where [queer? green?] froth disported. I had to keep watching it in fascination -- wondering the while whether some bloated, eyeless, albino _thing_ would float loathsomely & unexpected up from the nether abysses.
Yes -- that Tsathogguan eikon could have come from nowhere save archaic & immemorial Commoriom Which would be inferred by collating that Thing with the existing passages of the Book of Eibon.
Maybe -- since it was probably doomed from the start -- it is just as well that the Swanson venture perished when it did. By the way -- have you heard of a new magazine called _Weird Whispers_, published by the W. & Thompson Co of N.Y.? Someone has just told me about it, although I never heard of it before. Probably it doesn't amount to much, but it might be worth investigating.
I'm now helping Whitehead prepare a new ending and background for a story Bates has rejected. The original told of a young man who bumped his head and thereafter heard sounds as of a mighty cataclysm, although the city around him was quiescent. It was supposed to be due to a result of the bruise which made the fellow's head a natural radio and enabled him to hear the Japanese earthquake which was occurring at the time. Bates rightly thought this tame, so I am having the cataclysm and its causes somewhat different. I am having the bruise excite cells of hereditary memory causing the man to hear the destruction and sinking of fabulous Mu 20,000 years ago!
Yrs. for the nether sign,
Nel momento in cui vi scriviamo la valutazione è già arrivata intorno ai 1.200 dollari ed è destinata ancora a salire prima della scadenza del 19 novembre. Chiunque di voi sia dotato di una robusta carta di credito può tentare la fortuna fino a tale data. I nostri migliori auguri!
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